First Jewish Settlers
Moishe Rosenberg and his two oldest daughters, Miriam (Maistelman) on the right, and Rebeccah (Brown) on the left, c.1918.

Social Activities
Brown brothers at the family cottage. Herb (left) and brother Bill on the front lawn, c. 1930.

Military Service
Sydney Brown in England, c.1943. This photo was sent to his parents one month before he was shot down.

Religious Life
Sol Waiser carrying a Torah from his home to the Synagogue, in 1945. This was a thank-offering because his sons returned uninjured from the Second World War.

The Second Wave
“The annual anniversary sale in November at Rivelis’ Department Store, 1962. The store was located on the north side of the Capitol Centre on Main Street.”

Social Life within the Jewish Community
Chanukah Celebration in the Sons of Jacob Synagogue, c.1975. At the back of the table, from left to right, are Bill Freedman, Abe Freedman, Sol Waiser, Herb Brown, (unknown), Sam Seiler, and Bill Waiser.

Branching Out
H. E. Brown Supply Auto Parts and Machine Shop, c.1990. The building was designed and constructed by Herb Brown.

Civic Involvement
North Bay Lions Club Executive, c. 1955. Nate Rivelis is on the bottom row, far left.